Yana Ivanchina
Yana Ivanchina was born in 1987 in Kurgan in a creative family. Her father – a painter and member of the Russian Union of Artists, Her mother – the soloist of ballet of Igor Kio.
Yana Ivanchina has started to draw in early childhood. From the age of six she was participating in art exhibitions and competitions.
After graduating from art school, she received the diploma of an artist-painter at the College of Culture. In 2006 Yana moved to St. Petersburg, where she has received the highest art education at the Herzen’s University.
Today Yana Ivanchina is a famous St. Petersburg artist and art dealer. There was her prosperity of artistic activity in the Northern capital. There was born one of the most popular series of paintings “Wet Petersburg”, These series of painting most clearly reflects the unique style of the artist. Later there were created series of paintings: “Floral motifs”, “Fantasy”, “Abstraction”, “Bright Moscow”.
About her creativity
Paintings of Yana Ivanchina are made in the modern style and technology – as known as multi-textured style. Where the texture gives depth and charm and makes it special and unique. The artist makes every piece in several stages with drying of the layers.
“Brining a picture to perfection could be endless, the main thing is to stop at the right moment so then the painting is fresh and full of energy”. This is why one painting takes a week and another one takes three months, and the third one takes a whole year to make.
Paintings of Yana Ivanchina are filled with feelings and emotions that cause trembling.
Each painting is made in one piece, which means that it is exclusive and unique and adds even more value in the world of art and beauty.
Today canvases of the artist are in private collections, galleries, famous hotels, russian and foreign companies.
Two pictures owned by the Foundation “Cultural Heritage” and were included in the catalogue of “The Best artists of Russia”.
Ten paintings are on a permanent exhibition in the hotel Hilton Leningradskaya, Moscow, where you can freely look through the artist’s work and of course buy them.
Yana Ivanchina – is a bright representative of modern art. She lives in Moscow, works in Moscow and St.Petersburg. For about ten years Yana Ivanchina has created paintings, decorates walls in her own unusual style, hold master classes, revealed the secrets of her mastery.
Yana Ivanchina also works as an art dealer: cooperating with Russian and foreign artists and designers. Presents paintings of different styles and genres, from classical to avant-garde. She manages projects in design and artistic interior decorations. Yana Ivanchina works on her own and other artists’ new exhibition projects, which are periodically held in different cities of Russia.
Today canvases of the artist are in private collections, galleries, famous hotels, Russian and foreign companies. Two pictures owned by the Foundation “Cultural Heritage” were included in the catalogue of “The Best artists of Russia”. Paintings from the series “Wet Petersburg” and “Bright Moscow” are on permanent exhibition in the hotel Hilton Leningradskaya, in Moscow, where you can freely look the artist’s pictures, and of course you can buy pictures from the exhibition there.
Exhibition of children’s drawings, Japan 1999
Competition of artistic drawing “Bright Sun”, Kurgan 2002. * Exhibition “Learning from the Masters”, Kurgan (diploma for the display of high skill)
Regional exhibition “Zauralsky souvenir”, Art Museum
Regional Olympiad in drawing, Institute. Sholokhov (3 place, diploma)
Personal exhibition, Kurgan College of Culture, Kurgan
Exhibition “Spring 2004”, the Art Museum of Kurgan
Exhibition “Spring 2005”, Art Museum, Kurgan
The sixth regional exhibition “I draw aids”, Kurgan
Exhibition “Trans-Ural Land”, Kurgan branch of the Union of Artists of Russia, Kurgan
“Ivanchins Family Exhibition”, Kurgan College of Culture, Kurgan
* Autumn Exhibition, Art Museum, Kurgan * Interregional Exhibition, Cultural Exhibition Center, Kurgan * Zonal Autumn Exhibition, Cultural Exhibition Center, Kurgan
* Gallery “N Avenue” two works purchased by the Foundation “Cultural Heritage”, St. Petersburg, and included in the catalog “Best Artists of Russia”
* Exhibition “Cityscape”, Palace of Kochubey, Pushkin
* Competition “Traveler Notes”, St. Petersburg, 2008. (A booklet with the best works of the participants was published)
* Art Festival “Art Park”, DK “Outpost”, St. Petersburg * Painting exhibition. Gallery “Puer”, St. Petersburg
* Art Festival “Art Park-2”, DC “Outpost”, St. Petersburg, November
* Body Art Festival, “Arktika”, St. Petersburg, December
* Exhibition “Ball in Art”, the Foundation of the artist Mikhail Shemyakin, St. Petersburg, January-March
* Exhibition “Ball in Art”, the Foundation of the artist Mikhail Shemyakin, Norway
* Personal exhibition “Creativity Without Borders”, Pu-erh Gallery, St. Petersburg, January
* The exhibition “Maslenitsa in Love”, the art space “Bye Bye Ballet”, St. Petersburg, February
* Exhibition “Spring 2010”, Cultural Exhibition Center, Kurgan, April
* Project “Temples of Tsarskoye Selo” Exhibition “300 Years of Tsarskoye Selo” Sunday School of St. Sophia Cathedral Pushkin, May
* Project “Temples of Tsarskoye Selo” Exhibition “300 Years of Tsarskoye Selo”, Administration of Pushkin District, Pushkin, June
* Project “Temples of Tsarskoye Selo” Exhibition “300 Years of Tsarskoye Selo” Exhibition Center of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists, St. Petersburg, June
* International Art Competition “Art Moment”, Art and Industrial Academy. Shtiglits, St. Petersburg, November
* The exhibition “The color of the holiday” Gallery “Di-Di”, St. Petersburg, December
* Exhibition “St. Tatiana’s Day”, Herzen State Pedagogical University, St. Petersburg, January
* Exhibition on the set for the film “Buka”, St. Petersburg
* Exhibition “Taste of Summer” art space “Bye Bye Balet”, St. Petersburg, May-June
* Exhibition dedicated to Viktor Tsoi “In our eyes” gallery Gallery “Alexei Sergienko’s Apartment”, St. Petersburg, May-June * Exhibition “Dostoevsky Day” from the Mikhail Shemyakin Foundation, St. Petersburg, July * International Art contest “Art Moment”, St. Petersburg, December
Personal exhibition “Ascent” St. Petersburg, February-March Exhibition-competition of painting “North-West by our eyes” Residence of the US Consul General, April
* Exhibition “My Moscow”, House of Culture Avangard, Moscow, June * Exhibition “Autumn 2012”, Kurgan, Autumn
* 16th International Building Exhibition BalticBuild, Lenexpo, St. Petersburg, September
* Solo exhibition of Yana Ivanchina “Wet Petersburg”, Gallery “Alexey Sergienko’s Apartment”, St. Petersburg, April
* Charity Easter auction
2013, Gallery “Alexey Sergienko’s Apartment”, St. Petersburg, April 2013.
* Solo exhibition of Yana Ivanchina “Spring Joys”, gallery “IVANICH”, St. Petersburg, May-June
* Personal exhibition “Five Projects”, Gallery “Black Dog”, Moscow, October
* Exhibition “Art Trend”, Holiday Inn, St. Petersburg, April
* Exhibition and sale, LCD Vorontsovskie ponds, Moscow, April
* Exhibition and sale, LCD Mirax Park, Moscow, May
* Personal exhibition “Two capitals”, Hilton Moscow Leningradskaya, Moscow, September 2015, permanent exhibition, to the present
* Exhibition – presentation, LCD New Star, St. Petersburg, November
* Exhibition-presentation on clean ponds, the mansion “ArchiV” »Moscow, December
* Exhibition-sale, LCD Trianon, Moscow, October
* Exhibition-presentation, restaurant “Kim Tim”, Moscow, February
* Exhibition – sale, LCD Michurinsky, Moscow, March
* Exhibition – sale, LCD, Moscow, pl. Led
2018 г.
* Exhibition of abstract paintings and clothes with prints at Fashion Week, April, St. Petersburg, Alexandria Theater
* Exhibition on the secular ball in the congress park Volynskoe with the support of the Franco-Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Moscow, July 2018
* Auction of paintings YAI, contest “Miss cheerleader”, Moscow, July
* Presentation of paintings in the Milutin Palace in St. Petersburg, November 2018
* Personal exhibition of the golden collection “Two Capitals”, Hilton Moscow Leningradskaya, Moscow, current exhibition
* Personal exhibition “Two capitals”,
Hilton Moscow Leningradskaya, Moscow, permanent exhibition