HBL INVESTMENTS helps companies to find investors for your projects.
We are specializing in companies that are motivated to enter to Global markets, supported by our platform.
Especially if companies can answer these questions:
Do you have a strong IPR:s or solutions?
What is the novelty to market?
What is your “unfair” competitive advantages?
Is it something that will be a game changer or significantly better solution than before.
Does it have a Scalable business opportunity and plans.
Do you have a Team that is able to scale globally.
Do you have a Team that is able to commit to global steps.
If company can proof these in numbers, facts, contracts, we would be happy to meet such teams / companies and analyze opportunities.
Some of our thesis to companies:
Even from the beginning, is there an exit plan existing already?
World´s biggest exit market, by far, is USA, so is that part of the plan?
Company margins are on the level that appealing to scale.
There should be runway secured for 12 months to start the operations.
What we do:
We can open up:
Family Offices
Individual Investors
We have common understanding = Contracts on the place first Materials: Business Plan, Pitch, Investor Decks are Great
The whole team from the company is committed.